Monday, October 24, 2011

Preventing the Flu

Flu season has started and this virus runs rampant through daycares and schools. Children under the age of 2 are at greater risk for complications and even death from the influenza. There are some simple steps you can take to reduce the spread of infection in your childcare center or preschool.

1) Get a flu shot and encourage your center’s children (over 6 months) and parents to be vaccinated as well. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends the flu shot to everyone over 6 months. The vaccine is especially recommended for the following groups of people: pregnant women, children younger than 5, people working with children, people in long-term care facilities, and people with chronic illnesses. The CDC recommends getting the shot as soon as it is available (usually August or September) and before December.

2) Avoid close contact and encourage sick children to stay home. The flu virus spreads through close contact with someone who’s already sick. Tell your school’s parents that sick children should stay home. Make sure they understand that there is no penalty for missing school when sick. If you yourself feel ill, take the day off work to avoid exposing your daycare children to the virus.

3) Cover your cough. Covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing can reduce the spread of infection. Using a tissue prevents the virus from getting stuck on your hands. Unfortunately, kids aren’t so good at remembering this one, but try to teach it anyway.

4) Wash your hands. Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs (not just the flu) that you make pick up on hard surfaces and children’s toys. Hand wipes are great for young children because they’re easier to use than soap and water.

5) Disinfect your daycare center or preschool frequently. Children put their hands everywhere; they also put everything in their mouths. Virus are most often spread to the mucus membranes (eyes, ears, nose, mouth), so disinfect your childcare center’s toys, bathrooms, kitchens, and hard surfaces routinely.

6) Drink plenty of fluids. Fluids flush out the system, removing viruses and other toxins while re-hydrating. PureFun!’s juice is all natural and made especially for young children. Serving this juice at your daycare center is an excellent way to make sure your youngsters get plenty of fluids.

These simple steps will reduce, but not prevent the spread of the flu and other infections through your childcare center. We hope you find these tips useful.

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