Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Creepy Crafts for Halloween – Q-Tip Skeleton



You will need 21 Q-tips per skeleton. Start by cutting 6 of those Q-tips in half. Next, take a white piece of paper and cut out your skull shape. It should look a bit like an upside down pear when you are finished. Now you can draw on the eye and nose holes and some teeth to make your skeleton’s face.

Using your favorite color construction paper, glue the head onto the top of the page. Now we are ready to start constructing the skeleton. Start by gluing one full Q-tip vertically underneath the head. This will act as the spine. Next, evenly space and glue 6 of the full size Q-tips horizontally across the spine.

Think of the two ends of the top Q-tip as the shoulders and the two ends of the bottom Q-tip as the hips. You will need two full size Q-tips for each arm. Place them in a “V” shape coming from each shoulder. Next we can add on the legs. Take two more full size Q-tips for each side and place them in a zigzag formation coming from the hips.

Lastly, take 5 of the Q-tip halves to create the fingers for each hand. The final two can be glued horizontally on to the end of each leg to be the feet.

Now you have an adorable skeleton that is ready to be hung up for Halloween!

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