Monday, October 12, 2015

Creepy Crafts for Halloween – 5 Spider Crafts

October is here and it’s time to get started on the spooky crafts for the season. In this series we want to share all of our favorite Halloween Craft Ideas for 2015! Let’s start off with 5 Spider Crafts that are crawling with fun!


Spider Candy Bag - Start by cutting 4 chenille stems and your paper plate in half. Next, paint or color your plate black with a marker. When dry, glue the chenille stems around the rounded side of one of the plate halves. Glue the other half of the plate on top of the legs with the two rounded sides on top of each other. Now you can add on the eyes and a smile with construction paper. To make it a bag just add the string on top by hole punching the top corners and tying the string into place. Now you can fill it with your favorite Halloween candy!

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Spider Web Plate - Using either a piece of card stock or a paper plate, punch holes around the edge of the circle. Next, give each student a piece of string to weave through the holes and create a web. You can add a handprint spider, as seen in a previous blog post, prior to the web or a plastic spider by gluing it into the web. This craft is perfect for lacing practice!


Craft Stick Spider Web - Create a star shape with 3 craft sticks and glue them together in the center. Next, take a white piece of yarn and begin spinning it around the sticks to create a web. You will need to first secure it in the center and then loop it around each stick as you continue in an outward motion. Add a bit of tack onto the back if you are having trouble getting your string to stay put. Lastly, add in your plastic spider!


Spider Cup – Flip a cup upside down and add on a set of wiggle eyes. Next you will want to take out your scissors and cut out a set of fangs as well as cut 4 chenille stems in half. Take a marker and draw on a mouth. Then you can glue your fangs into place. To secure the pipe cleaners hole punch a hole on each side of the lip of the cup. Thread the stems through and make a knot on the inside with them to keep them in place. Now you can bend the chenille stems as needed to bring your spider cup to life!


Spider Lollipop – This one is perfect for a treat for the whole class or even to hand out on Halloween. You will need 4 chenille stems and a set of wiggle eyes for each lollipop. Just twist the stems form the center around the stick of the lollipop to form the body and legs. You will want to bend the ends of each stem to give the legs a 3D effect. Lastly, glue your wiggle eyes into place.

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