Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ways to use Border Decorations

There are several ways to use border decorations in your classroom.

1. Put them around your bulletin board. Border decorations were originally marketed for bulletin boards and this remains their most popular use.

2. Divide your bulletin board, whiteboard, or chalkboard into sections. You can put a border decoration down the middle of your bulletin board to make two sections. Smaller sections can be used to display rules or homework assignments.

3. Put them around your whiteboard and chalkboards. You can decorate your boards each season or by subject.

4. Put them around your windows. Accenting your windows with border decorations will make them appear larger and brighter.

5. Use them to make a makeshift bulletin board. If your classroom doesn’t have a bulletin board, you can put borders around part of the wall. Cover the space between them with fabric or fadeless paper and tape up what you want to display.

6. Frame pictures or student work. Border decorations make colorful and inexpensive frames for anything you want to put on your wall.

How have you used border decorations in your classroom?

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