Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas Tree Plate


Items you will need: Plates, green paint, markers, white construction paper or computer paper, Yellow construction paper, glue, scissors

  1. Paint the front of the plate green except the very tips of the rippled edge of the plate(if you want the trees to look like the first picture)
  2. On the tips of the rippled edge use a red marker to represent the garland along the tree.
  3. Cut the plate into 3 triangles.
  4. Glue the triangles together with the points mid way on the back of one another.
  5. On white construction paper or printer paper, have the children use their markers and color circles or any design they would like the ornaments to be.
  6. Cut the ornaments out and glue them to the tree.
  7. Cut out a star with the yellow construction paper and have the children glue it to the tippy top of the tree.
  8. You now have a decorated Christmas tree!

Tips for preschool teachers: you can always use glitter, pom poms, jewels, confetti and ribbon to decorate instead of them making their own ornaments.

Oh Christmas Tree Plate, Oh Christmas Tree Plate…How lovely are your branches!

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