Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Is it February already? Below are ideas for 2014 for your daycare center!

2013 flew by didn’t it? For the new year, we encourage you to try something new! There are several ways that you can change up your everyday routine when it comes to the classroom and your students. Here are a few ideas to get your class in the new year spirit.

The typical way to start off the new year is to create your goals or resolutions. Since the new year is the half-way mark for the school year, this is a great time to check on student’s progress and take a look at how far each student has come. You can mark off certain goals they have met and create the new ones for the second half of the year. This is an excellent time of encouragement and perspective for the children. Remember to continue encouraging them as you reflect and create new goals. clip_image001

Another way to incorporate something new is to change the look of your classroom. You can do this by adding new posters, bulletin board sets, furniture and more. You can change or add an item or two or even change up the entire room! This will give a fresh look to your classroom that will encourage your students to proceed with a fresh mindset as well.

While changing up the classroom decor, you could also think about adding some new material in your curriculum as well as your book and game selection. This is the perfect time to add in material of the next level to give your students a challenge. By doing so you will give them that extra push they need to finish out the school year strongly. Plus, they will love having new games to play and new books to read.

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Don't forget about snack time or lunch time! This is a fun way to put a new spin on the new year. Change up the food you serve and give your students a chance to try something new. You could even incorporate snacks that coordinate with your lessons. This would also be a great time to discuss health and nutrition as well.

Lastly, take some time out of your day to add something fun to do as a class. This might be a silly song or even a two minute dance party! Get creative here. This will create a time everyday that students look forward to. This time would probably be most beneficial in the middle of the day. It is the perfect way to get those wiggles and giggles out and wake students back up to continue with the day.


The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating fun and new ideas for the classroom and your students. We would love to hear what your ideas are for the new year too! Be sure to share your ideas with us here or on our Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter.

Want more New Years ideas? Follow us for all of our updates and deals and keep an eye out for more New Years Ideas in our blogs. We may even include yours!

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