Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Classroom Management – 5 Ideas for Managing Noise Levels

1. Catch A Bubble – My mom uses this with her preschool students and it works like a charm. She tells them to catch a bubble and they immediately fill their mouths with air. Students will tap their friends who haven't yet caught the memo and point at their mouths to let them know what’s going on. Next thing you know, the class is quiet and everyone has puffy cheeks.

2. Call and Response – The teacher starts by saying “1, 2, 3 eyes on me.” The students will then respond with “1, 2 eyes on you!” You can even come up with your own clever phrases to use. Try using your classes favorite song. The teacher will say or sing the beginning of the first line and students have to finish.

3. Match the Clap Pattern – The teacher will start by clapping a special pattern. When the teacher completes the pattern, the students must then repeat it back. This can go on for a few rounds until you have everyone’s attention.

4. Marble Jar – Place a Jar at the front of your classroom. When students exhibit good behavior, add a marble to the jar. When they behave poorly, remove a marble from their jar. When the jar is full, your class can celebrate by having a pizza or popcorn party! Having a visual in the front of the room is a great way to keep students thinking about good behavior.

5. Whisper Challenge – Start by whispering a direction to the students. For example, “Raise your hand if you can hear me.” Those that hear you will start the reaction by raising their hands. Continue to whisper different actions until you have everyone’s attention. You can even throw in a few rewards as you go such as “the first five people to raise their hand may go to the prize box.”


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